Inline text style text

{% u text content %}
{% emp text content %}
{% wavy text content %}
{% del text content %}
{% kbd text content %}
{% psw text content %}
  1. Text with underscore
  2. Text with accent
  3. Text with
  4. Text with strikethrough
  5. Keyboard style text command + D
  6. Password-style text: no verification code here
1. Text with {% u underscore %}
2. Text with {% emp accent %}
3. Text with {% wavy %}
4. Text with {% del strikethrough %}
5. Keyboard style text {% kbd command %} + {% kbd D %}
6. Password-style text: {% psw no verification code here %}

Inline text span

{% span style parameters (parameters separated by spaces), text content %}
  1. Font: logo, code
  2. Color: red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,{ % span gray, gray %}
  3. Size: small, h4, h3, h2, h1, large, huge, ultra
  4. Alignment direction: left, center, right
  • Colored text
    It is convenient to insert tags of various colors in a paragraph, including: red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, gray.
  • oversized text
    The title section of the document’s Start page is just oversized text.

    A Wonderful Theme for Hexo
- Colored text
It is convenient to insert tags of various colors in a paragraph, including: {% span red, red%}, {% span yellow, yellow%}, {% span green, green%}, {% span cyan, cyan%}, {% span blue, blue%}, {% span gray, gray%}.
- oversized text
The title section of the document's Start page is just oversized text.
{% span center logo large, Volantis %}
{% span center small, A Wonderful Theme for Hexo %}

paragraph text p

{% p style parameters (parameters separated by spaces), text content %}
  1. Font: logo, code
  2. Color: red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,{ % span gray, gray %}
  3. Size: small, h4, h3, h2, h1, large, huge, ultra
  4. Alignment direction: left, center, right
  • Colored text
    It is convenient to insert tags of various colors in a paragraph, including:












  • oversized text
    The title section of the document’s Start page is just oversized text.

    A Wonderful Theme for Hexo

- Colored text
It is convenient to insert tags of various colors in a paragraph, including: {% p red, red%}, {% p yellow, yellow%}, {% p green, green%}, {% p cyan, cyan%}, {% p blue, blue%}, {% p gray, gray%}.
- oversized text
The title section of the document's Start page is just oversized text.
{% p center logo large, Volantis %}
{% p center small, A Wonderful Theme for Hexo %}

Quote note

The latest version of the butterfly tag supports referencing the fontawesome V5 icon, which is better than the volantis note tag. Therefore, no additional volantis note style is introduced. It is very troublesome to do style adaptation. If you can be lazy, just be lazy

The following is the note writing of the butterfly theme.

Modify theme configuration file

  # Note tag style values:
  # - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default.
  # - modern bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style.
  # - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow.
  # - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag.
  style: simple
  icons: false
  border_radius: 3
  # Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6).
  # Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag.
  light_bg_offset: 0

The Note tag plugin can be used in two ways. icons and light_bg_offset are only valid for method one.

method one
{% note [class] [no-icon] [style] %}
Any content (support inline tags
{% endnote %}
method 2
{% note [color] [icon] [style] %}
Any content (support inline tags
{% endnote %}
method one
class[Optional] Logo, different logos have different colors
( default / primary / success / info / warning / danger )
no-icon[Optional] Don’t show icon
style[Optional] You can override style
in the configuration (simple/modern/flat/disabled)
method 2
class[Optional] Logo, different logos have different colors
( default / blue / pink / red / purple / orange / green )
no-icon[Optional] You can configure a custom icon (only fontawesome icons are supported, or no-icon can be configured)
style[Optional] You can override style
in the configuration (simple/modern/flat/disabled)
method one
  1. simple style

    default prompt block tag

    default prompt block label

    primary prompt block tag

    success prompt block label

    info tip block tag

    warning prompt block label

    danger prompt block tag

  2. modern style

    default prompt block tag

    default prompt block tag

    primary prompt block tag

    success prompt block tag

    info tip block tag

    warning prompt block tag

    danger prompt block tag

  3. flat style

    default tip block label

    default prompt block label

    primary tip block label

    success prompt block label

    info tip block label

    warning prompt block label

    danger tip block label

  4. disabled style

    default prompt block tag

    default prompt block label

    primary prompt block tag

    success prompt block tag

    info prompt block tag

    warning prompt block label

    danger prompt block tag

  5. no-icon style

    default prompt block label

    default prompt block label

    primary tip block label

    success prompt block label

    info tip block label

    warning prompt block label

    danger tip block label

method 2
  1. simple style

    Are you swiping Visa or UnionPay

    2021 is almost here….

    Drive carefully and safety first

    This is three pieces? Or four?

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    rock paper scissors

    The most annoying browser on the front end

  2. Modern style

    Did you use Visa or UnionPay

    2021 is almost here….

    Drive carefully and safety first

    This is three pieces? Or four?

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    rock paper scissors

    The most annoying browser on the front end

  3. Flat style

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    2021 is almost here….

    Drive carefully and safety first

    This is three pieces? Or four?

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    rock paper scissors

    The most annoying browser on the front end

  1. disabled style

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    2021 is almost here….

    Drive carefully, safety comes first

    This is three pieces? Or four?

    Are you using Visa or UnionPay

    rock paper scissors

    The most annoying browser on the front end

  2. no-icon style

    Did you swipe Visa or UnionPay

    2021 is almost here….

    Drive carefully and safety first

    is this three pieces? Or four?

    Are you swiping Visa or UnionPay

    rock paper scissors

    The most annoying browser on the front end

method one
  1. simple style

    {% note simple %}default prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note default simple %}default prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note primary simple %}primary prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note success simple %}success prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note info simple %}info tip block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note warning simple %}warning prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note danger simple %}danger prompt block tag{% endnote %}
  2. modern style

    {% note modern %}default prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note default modern %}default prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note primary modern %}primary prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note success modern %}success prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note info modern %}info tip block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note warning modern %}warning prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note danger modern %}danger prompt block tag{% endnote %}
  3. flat style

    {% note flat %}default tip block label{% endnote %}
    {% note default flat %}default prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note primary flat %}primary tip block label{% endnote %}
    {% note success flat %}success prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note info flat %}info tip block label{% endnote %}
    {% note warning flat %}warning prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note danger flat %}danger tip block label{% endnote %}
  4. disabled style

    {% note disabled %}default prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note default disabled %}default prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note primary disabled %}primary prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note success disabled %}success prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note info disabled %}info prompt block tag{% endnote %}
    {% note warning disabled %}warning prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note danger disabled %}danger prompt block tag{% endnote %}
  5. no-icon style

    {% note no-icon %}default prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note default no-icon %}default prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note primary no-icon %}primary tip block label{% endnote %}
    {% note success no-icon %}success prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note info no-icon %}info tip block label{% endnote %}
    {% note warning no-icon %}warning prompt block label{% endnote %}
    {% note danger no-icon %}danger tip block label{% endnote %}
method 2
  1. simple style

    {% note 'fab fa-cc-visa' simple %}Are you swiping Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' simple %}2021 is almost here....{% endnote %}
    {% note pink 'fas fa-car-crash' simple %}Drive carefully and safety first{% endnote %}
    {% note red 'fas fa-fan' simple%}This is three pieces? Or four? {% endnote %}
    {% note orange 'fas fa-battery-half' simple %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note purple 'far fa-hand-scissors' simple %}rock paper scissors{% endnote %}
    {% note green 'fab fa-internet-explorer' simple %}The most annoying browser on the front end{% endnote %}
  2. modern style

    {% note 'fab fa-cc-visa' modern %}Did you use Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' modern %}2021 is almost here....{% endnote %}
    {% note pink 'fas fa-car-crash' modern %}Drive carefully and safety first{% endnote %}
    {% note red 'fas fa-fan' modern%}This is three pieces? Or four? {% endnote %}
    {% note orange 'fas fa-battery-half' modern %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note purple 'far fa-hand-scissors' modern %}rock paper scissors{% endnote %}
    {% note green 'fab fa-internet-explorer' modern %}The most annoying browser on the front end{% endnote %}
  3. flat style

    {% note 'fab fa-cc-visa' flat %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' flat %}2021 is almost here....{% endnote %}
    {% note pink 'fas fa-car-crash' flat %}Drive carefully and safety first{% endnote %}
    {% note red 'fas fa-fan' flat%} This is three pieces? Or four? {% endnote %}
    {% note orange 'fas fa-battery-half' flat %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note purple 'far fa-hand-scissors' flat %}rock paper scissors{% endnote %}
    {% note green 'fab fa-internet-explorer' flat %}The most annoying browser on the front end{% endnote %}
  4. disabled style

    {% note 'fab fa-cc-visa' disabled %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' disabled %}2021 is almost here....{% endnote %}
    {% note pink 'fas fa-car-crash' disabled %}Drive carefully, safety comes first{% endnote %}
    {% note red 'fas fa-fan' disabled %}This is three pieces? Or four? {% endnote %}
    {% note orange 'fas fa-battery-half' disabled %}Are you using Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note purple 'far fa-hand-scissors' disabled %}rock paper scissors{% endnote %}
    {% note green 'fab fa-internet-explorer' disabled %}The most annoying browser on the front end{% endnote %}
  5. no-icon style

    {% note no-icon %}Did you swipe Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note blue no-icon %}2021 is almost here....{% endnote %}
    {% note pink no-icon %}Drive carefully and safety first{% endnote %}
    {% note red no-icon %} is this three pieces? Or four? {% endnote %}
    {% note orange no-icon %}Are you swiping Visa or UnionPay{% endnote %}
    {% note purple no-icon %}rock paper scissors{% endnote %}
    {% note green no-icon %}The most annoying browser on the front end{% endnote %}

superscript tag tip

The main style is referenced from [Xiaokang’s butterfly gradient background label] (, I wrote a tip.js to render the label, and simplified the code.

{% tip [parameter, optional] %}Text content{% endtip %}
  1. Style: success,error,warning,bolt,ban,home,sync,cogs,key,bell
  2. Custom icons: support fontawesome.













custom font awesome icon

{% tip %}default{% endtip %}
{% tip info %}info{% endtip %}
{% tip success %}success{% endtip %}
{% tip error %}error{% endtip %}
{% tip warning %}warning{% endtip %}
{% tip bolt %}bolt{% endtip %}
{% tip ban %}ban{% endtip %}
{% tip home %}home{% endtip %}
{% tip sync %}sync{% endtip %}
{% tip cogs %}cogs{% endtip %}
{% tip key %}key{% endtip %}
{% tip bell %}bell{% endtip %}
{% tip fa-atom %} custom font awesome icon{% endtip %}

dynamic tag anima

The essence of dynamic tags is to refer to the CSS style of font-awesome-animation, which is not necessarily limited to tip tags, but can also be other tags.
It’s just that tip.js is written by myself, so I know how it will be rendered into html, so I use this writing method.
You can read the documentation and use the html language to write other tag types.

{% tip [parameter, optional] %}Text content{% endtip %}

For more details, please refer to the font-awesome-animation documentation

  1. Add the required CSS classes to the icon (or any element in the DOM).
  2. For the parent hover style, you need to add the specified CSS class to the target element, and also add the CSS class faa-parent animated-hover to the parent element of the target element. (See example and example source code for details)
    You can regulate the speed of the animation by adding the CSS class or . faa-fastfaa-slow
  3. You can control the animation speed by adding the CSS class faa-fast or faa-slow to the target element.
On DOM load
When the page loads
Show animation
On hover
When mouseover
Show animation
On parent hover
When mouseover
On parent element When
show animation
 faa-wrench animated  faa-wrench animated-hover  faa-wrench
 faa-ring animated  faa-ring animated-hover  faa-ring
 faa-horizontal animated  faa-horizontal animated-hover  faa-horizontal
 faa-vertical animated  faa-vertical animated-hover  faa-vertical
 faa-flash animated  faa-flash animated-hover  faa-flash
 faa-bounce animated  faa-bounce animated-hover  faa-bounce
 faa-spin animated  faa-spin animated-hover  faa-spin
 faa-tada animated  faa-tada animated-hover  faa-tada
 faa-pulse animated  faa-pulse animated-hover  faa-pulse
 faa-shake animated  faa-shake animated-hover  faa-shake
 faa-tada animated  faa-tada animated-hover  faa-tada
 faa-passing animated  faa-passing animated-hover  faa-passing
 faa-passing-reverse animated  faa-passing-reverse animated-hover  faa-passing-reverse
 faa-burst animated  faa-burst animated-hover  faa-burst
 faa-falling animated  faa-falling animated-hover  faa-falling
 faa-rising animated  faa-rising animated-hover  faa-rising
  1. On DOM load (show animation when page loads)



  2. Adjust the animation speed.



  3. On hover (display animation when the mouse is hovered)



  4. On parent hover (display animation when the mouse hovers over the parent element)



  1. On DOM load (show animation when page loads)

    {% tip warning faa-horizontal animated %}warning{% endtip %}
    {% tip ban faa-flash animated %}ban{% endtip %}
  2. Adjust the animation speed

    {% tip warning faa-horizontal animated faa-fast %}warning{% endtip %}
    {% tip ban faa-flash animated faa-slow %}ban{% endtip %}
  3. On hover (display animation when the mouse is hovered)

    {% tip warning faa-horizontal animated-hover %}warning{% endtip %}
    {% tip ban faa-flash animated-hover %}ban{% endtip %}
  4. On parent hover (display animation when the mouse hovers over the parent element)

    {% tip warning faa-parent animated-hover %}<p class="faa-horizontal">warning</p>{% endtip %}
    {% tip ban faa-parent animated-hover %}<p class="faa-flash">ban</p>{% endtip %}

Checklist checkbox

{% checkbox style parameter (optional), text (support simple md) %}
<!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab configuration parameters -->
1. Style: plus, minus, times
2. Color: {% span red, red %},{% span yellow, yellow %},{% span green, green %},{% span cyan, cyan %},{% span blue, blue %},{ % span gray, gray %}
3. Checked status: checked
<!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab style preview -->
{% checkbox plain text test %}
{% checkbox checked, supports simple [markdown]( syntax %}
{% checkbox red, support custom color %}
{% checkbox green checked, green + default checked %}
{% checkbox yellow checked, yellow + default checked %}
{% checkbox cyan checked, cyan + default checked %}
{% checkbox blue checked, blue + default checked %}
{% checkbox plus green checked, increase %}
{% checkbox minus yellow checked, reduce %}
{% checkbox times red checked, fork %}
<!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab example source code -->
{% checkbox plain text test %}
{% checkbox checked, supports simple [markdown]( syntax %}
{% checkbox red, support custom color %}
{% checkbox green checked, green + default checked %}
{% checkbox yellow checked, yellow + default checked %}
{% checkbox cyan checked, cyan + default checked %}
{% checkbox blue checked, blue + default checked %}
{% checkbox plus green checked, increase %}
{% checkbox minus yellow checked, reduce %}
{% checkbox times red checked, fork %}

Radio list radio

{% radio style parameter (optional), text (supports simple md) %}
  1. Color: red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,{ % span gray, gray %}
  2. Checked status: checked

plain text test

supports simple markdown syntax

support custom color





{% radio plain text test %}
{% radio checked, supports simple [markdown]( syntax %}
{% radio red, support custom color %}
{% radio green, green %}
{% radio yellow, yellow %}
{% radio cyan, cyan %}
{% radio blue, blue %}

Timeline timeline

After the plugin version v1.0.16, in order to avoid conflicts with the timeline plugin in Butterfly_v4.0+, the timeline plugin in the plugin has been removed. For users who are lower than Butterfly_v4.0, please upgrade the theme or install version 1.0.15. Plug-in label plugin, or add timeline.js and timeline.styl files to the corresponding folder. Users who use the original timeline plug-in label are affected by the replacement syntax format.
Butterfly_v4.0+’s own timeline plug-in label style is more beautiful. Grammar and semantics are also clearer.

{% timeline timeline title (optional) [,color] %}
<!-- timeline time node (title) -->
Text content
<!-- endtimeline -->
<!-- timeline time node (title) -->
Text content
<!-- endtimeline -->
{% endtimeline %}
Parameters Explanation
title Title/Timeline
color timeline color: default (leave blank) / blue / pink / red / purple / orange / green

timeline style

2020-05-15 2.6.3 -> 2.6.6

No additional processing is required.

2020-04-20 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3

  1. Globally search for seotitle and replace with seo_title.
  2. The indexing rules of the group component have changed. In articles using the group component, the component name corresponding to group: group_name must be group_name.
  3. The list name of the group component displays the short_title of the article first followed by the title.
{% timeline timeline style,blue %}

<!-- timeline 2020-07-24 [2.6.6 -> 3.0]( -->

1. If you have the `hexo-lazyload-image` plugin, you need to delete and reinstall the latest version, set `lazyload.isSPA: true`.
2. The css and js of the 2.x version do not work with the 3.x version and need to be removed if `use_cdn: true` is used.
3. The fancybox tag from version 2.x was renamed to gallery in version 3.x.
4. The 2.x version of the top `top: true` has been changed to `pin: true`, and the same applies to the `layout: page` page.
5. If the `hexo-offline` plugin is used, it is recommended to uninstall it. The pjax service is enabled by default in version 3.0.

<!-- endtimeline -->

<!-- timeline 2020-05-15 [2.6.3 -> 2.6.6]( -->

No additional processing is required.

<!-- endtimeline -->

<!-- timeline 2020-04-20 [2.6.2 -> 2.6.3]( -->

1. Globally search for `seotitle` and replace with `seo_title`.
2. The indexing rules of the group component have changed. In articles using the group component, the component name corresponding to `group: group_name` must be `group_name`.
2. The list name of the group component displays the `short_title` of the article first followed by the `title`.

<!-- endtimeline -->

{% endtimeline %}

button btns

Volantis buttons use the btn and btns tags. btns does not conflict with the button of butterfly, but btn will be forced to render, causing some parameters to be invalid, and the effect of btn is still better than the button of butterfly. So it is only adapted to btns.

{% btns style parameter %}
{% cell title, link, image or icon %}
{% cell title, link, image or icon %}
{% endbtns %}
  1. Rounded corner style: rounded, circle
  2. Add text style: you can add <b>title</b> and <p>description text</p> in the container
  3. Layout:
    The default is auto-width, which is good for situations where there are only one or two in the field of view.
parameters meaning
wide A wider button
fill Fill the layout, automatically fill at least one line, more lines will wrap
center Centering, fixed spacing between buttons
around Centering and Scattering
grid2 Equal width up to 2 columns, the number of columns will be appropriately reduced when the screen becomes narrow
grid3 Equal width up to 3 columns, the number of columns will be appropriately reduced when the screen becomes narrow
grid4 Equal width up to 4 columns, narrowing the screen will appropriately reduce the number of columns
grid5 Equal width up to 5 columns, the number of columns will be appropriately reduced when the screen becomes narrow
  1. If you need to display a set of links with avatars like “team members”:

  2. Or a button with an icon:

  3. Round Icon + Title + Description + Image + Grid 5 Columns + Center

  1. If you need to display a set of links with avatars like “team members”:
    {% btns circle grid5 %}
    {% cell xaoxuu,, %}
    {% cell xaoxuu,, %}
    {% cell xaoxuu,, %}
    {% cell xaoxuu,, %}
    {% cell xaoxuu,, %}
    {% endbtns %}
  2. Or a button with an icon:
    {% btns rounded grid5 %}
    {% cell download source code, /, fas fa-download %}
    {% cell view document, /, fas fa-book-open %}
    {% endbtns %}
  3. Round Icon + Title + Description + Image + Grid 5 Columns + Center
    {% btns circle center grid5 %}
    <a href=''>
      <i class='fab fa-apple'></i>
      <b>Heart Rate Manager</b>
      {% p red, pro %}
      <img src=''>
    <a href=''>
      <i class='fab fa-apple'></i>
      <b>Heart Rate Manager</b>
      {% p green, free version %}
      <img src=''>
    {% endbtns %}

github card ghcard

ghcard uses the github-readme-stats API, which supports writing directly using markdown syntax.

{% ghcard username, other parameters (optional) %}
{% ghcard username/repository, other parameters (optional) %}

For more parameters, please refer to:

Use , to separate each parameter. Written as: parameter name = parameter value
Below are just a few commonly used parameter values.

Parameter name Value Interpretation
hide stars,commits,prs,issues,contribs Hide specified statistics
count_private true Add private project contributions to total commit count
show_icons true Show Icons
theme Please refer to Available Themes theme
  1. User Information Card
  1. Warehouse Information Card
  1. User Information Card

    | {% ghcard xaoxuu %} | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=vue %} |
    | -- | -- |
    | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=buefy %} | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=solarized-light %} |
    | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=onedark %} | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=solarized-dark %} |
    | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=algolia %} | {% ghcard xaoxuu, theme=calm %} |
  2. Warehouse Information Card
    | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis %} | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=vue %} |
    | -- | -- |
    | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=buefy %} | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=solarized-light %} |
    | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=onedark %} | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=solarized-dark %} |
    | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=algolia %} | {% ghcard volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis, theme=calm %} |

github logo ghbdage

For more specific usage of ghbdage parameters, please refer to the tutorial on the site: Add github logo

{% bdage [right],[left],[logo]||[color],[link],[title]||[option] %}
  1. left: the information on the left side of the logo, a required parameter.
  2. right: the information on the right side of the logo, a required parameter,
  3. logo: Logo icon, see simpleicons for the icon name, optional parameter.
  4. color: The color of the right side of the logo, optional parameter.
  5. link: the link to point to, optional parameter.
  6. title: Additional information about the logo, optional parameter. Mainly used to optimize SEO, but the object tag does not display the title information on mouseover like the a tag.
  7. option: custom parameter, supports all API parameters of For specific parameters, please refer to the extended writing example above. The form is name1=value2&name2=value2.

The parameters of this plug-in tag are divided into three groups, which are separated by ||.

  1. Basic parameters

  2. Information parameters

  3. Extended parameters

The parameters of this plug-in tag are divided into three groups, which are separated by ||.

  1. Basic parameters, define the left and right text and icons of the logo
    {% bdage Theme,Butterfly %}
    {% bdage Frame,Hexo,hexo %}
  2. Information parameters, define the background color of the content on the right side of the logo, and point to the link
    {% bdage CDN, JsDelivr, jsDelivr||abcdef,, this site uses JsDelivr to provide CDN acceleration for static resources %}
    //If optional parameters are omitted across the sequence, you still need to write a comma for separation
    {% bdage Source,GitHub,GitHub||, %}
  3. Expand parameters to support all parameters of shields API
    {% bdage Hosted,Vercel,Vercel||brightgreen,, this site adopts two-line deployment, the default line is hosted in Vercel||style=social&logoWidth=20 %}
    //If the optional parameter group is omitted across the sequence, you still need to write a double vertical bar || for separation
    {% bdage Hosted,Vercel,Vercel||||style=social&logoWidth=20&logoColor=violet %}

website card sites

{% sitegroup %}
{% site title, url=link, screenshot=screenshot link, avatar=avatar link (optional), description=description (optional) %}
{% site title, url=link, screenshot=screenshot link, avatar=avatar link (optional), description=description (optional) %}
{% endsitegroup %}
{% sitegroup %}
{% site xaoxuu, url=, screenshot=, avatar= /xaoxuu/cdn-assets/avatar/avatar.png, description=Simple style%}
{% site inkss, url=, screenshot=, avatar= /inkss/common@master/static/web/avatar.jpg, description=This is a description of this website %}
{% site MHuiG, url=, screenshot=, avatar= /gh/MHuiG/imgbed@master/data/p.png, description=This is a description of this site %}
{% site Colsrch, url=, screenshot=, avatar= /Colsrch/images/Colsrch/avatar.jpg, description=This is a description of this site %}
{% site Linhk1606, url=, screenshot=, avatar= /2020/02/09/PN7I5RJfFtA93r2.png, description=This is a description of this website%}
{% endsitegroup %}

inline image inlineimage

{% inlineimage image link, height=height (optional) %}
  1. Height: height=20px

This is paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

This is {% inlineimage %} paragraph.

This is another {% inlineimage, height=40px %} paragraph.

single image image

{% image link, width=width(optional), height=height(optional), alt=description(optional), bg=placeholder color(optional) %}
  1. Image width and height: width=300px, height=32px
  2. Image description: alt=image description (butterfly needs to enable image description in the theme configuration file)
  3. Placeholder background color: bg=#f2f2f2
  1. Add a description:

    The way back to the dormitory after class every day
    The way back to the dormitory after class every day
  2. Specify the width:

  3. Specify the width and add a description:

    The way back to the dormitory after class every day
    The way back to the dormitory after class every day
  4. Set the placeholder background color:

    Optimize the look and feel of browsing with different widths
    Optimize the look and feel of browsing with different widths
  1. Add a description:

    {% image, alt=The way back to the dormitory after class every day, there is no story. %}
  2. Specify the width:
    {% image, width=400px %}
  3. Specify the width and add a description:
    {% image, width=400px, alt=The way back to the dormitory after class every day, there is no story. %}
  4. Set the placeholder background color:
    {% image, width=400px, bg=#1D0C04, alt=Optimize the look and feel of browsing with different widths %}

audio audio

{% audio audio link %}
{% audio %}

videos video

{% video video link %}
  1. Orientation: left, center, right
  2. Number of columns: write the number of columns directly after the comma, 1 to 4 columns are supported.
  1. 100% width

  2. 50% width

  3. 25% width

  1. 100% width

    {% video %}
  2. 50% width

    {% videos, 2 %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% endvideos %}
  3. 25% width

    {% videos, 4 %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% video %}
    {% endvideos %}

Butterfly comes with a gallery album, and it will automatically adjust the layout according to the size of the picture. The effect is better than the gallery of Volantis, so the gallery tag of Volantis is no longer included.

The following is the gallery tag that comes with Butterfly. Albums Gallery works with albums.

Folding frame folding

Although Butterfly also has a built-in folding box hideToggle tag, the folding folding box of Volantis looks better.

{% folding parameters (optional), title %}
{% endfolding %}
  1. Color: blue, cyan, green, yellow, red
  2. Status: Fill in the status open means it is open by default.
view image test

view the default open folding box

This is a collapsed box that is open by default.

see code test
see list test
  • haha
  • hehe
see nested tests
see nested test 2
see nested test 3


{% folding view image test %}


{% endfolding %}

{% folding cyan open, view the default open folding box %}

This is a collapsed box that is open by default.

{% endfolding %}

{% folding green, see code test %}
Pretend there are code blocks here (code blocks cannot nest code blocks)
{% endfolding %}

{% folding yellow, see list test %}

- haha
- hehe

{% endfolding %}

{% folding red, see nested tests %}

{% folding blue, see nested test 2 %}

{% folding see nested test 3 %}

hahaha <span><img src='' style='height :24px'></span>

{% endfolding %}

{% endfolding %}

{% endfolding %}

Column tab

The tab tag of Butterfly and the tab tag of Volantis are shifted from the NexT theme, so the writing and effect are exactly the same.

{% tabs Unique name, [index] %}
<!-- tab [Tab caption] [@icon] -->
Any content (support inline tags too).
<!-- endtab -->
{% endtabs %}

  1. Unique name:
    • Unique name for the tab block label without commas.
    • will be used in #id as a prefix for each tag and its index number.
    • If the name contains spaces, all spaces will be replaced by dashes for #id generation.
    • Only the URL of the current post/page must be unique!
  2. [index]:
    • The index number of the active tab.
    • If not specified, the first tab (1) will be selected.
    • If index is -1, no tabs will be selected.
    • optional parameter.
  3. [Tab caption]:
    • The title of the current tab.
    • If no title is specified, a unique name with a tab index suffix will be used as the title of the tab.
    • If no title is specified, but an icon is specified, the title will be empty.
    • optional parameter.
  4. [@icon]:
    • FontAwesome icon name (full name, looks like “fas fa-font”)
    • can be specified with or without spaces;
    • For example ‘Tab caption @icon’ and ‘Tab caption@icon’.
    • optional parameter.

Demo 1 - Preset selection first [Default]

This is Tab 1.

This is Tab 2.

This is Tab 3.

Demo 2 - Default selection tabs

This is Tab 1.

This is Tab 2.

This is Tab 3.

Demo 3 - no presets

This is Tab 1.

This is Tab 2.

This is Tab 3.

Demo 4 - Custom Tab Name + Only Icon + Icon and Tab Name

tab name is the first tab

Only icons, no tab names


Demo 1 - Preset selection first [Default]

{% tabs test1 %}
<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 1.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 2.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 3.**
<!-- endtab -->
{% endtabs %}

Demo 2 - Default selection tabs

{% tabs test2, 3 %}
<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 1.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 2.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 3.**
<!-- endtab -->
{% endtabs %}

Demo 3 - no presets

{% tabs test3, -1 %}
<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 1.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 2.**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab -->
**This is Tab 3.**
<!-- endtab -->
{% endtabs %}

Demo 4 - Custom Tab Name + Only Icon + Icon and Tab Name

{% tabs test4 %}
<!-- tab first Tab -->
**tab name is the first tab**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab @fab fa-apple-pay -->
**Only icons, no tab names**
<!-- endtab -->

<!-- tab bomb @fas fa-bomb -->
<!-- endtab -->
{% endtabs %}

Data collection issues

{% issues type | api=url | group=key:value1,value2 (optional) %}

According to different requirements, the content of issues will be parsed into different HTML tags. Currently supported types are:

  1. Timeline timeline: parsed into timeline label, the title of issue corresponds to the time of timeline, and the content of issue corresponds to the content of timeline.
  2. Website card sites: parsed into sites tag, requires a JSON code block, each parameter corresponds to the sites tag parameter:

        "title": "",
        "screenshot": "",
        "url": "",
        "avatar": "",
        "description": "",
        ""keywords"": ""
Parameters Interpretation
title Site name
screenshot Website Preview
url Website link, you need to add
https:// protocol to form a complete domain name.
Otherwise it may be recognized as a site-relative path.
avatar Webmaster Avatar
“keywords” Group basis,
It is not necessary to call “keywords”,
see group below for details

The url is a callable API, for example:


Parameters Interpretation api for gitee repository api for github repository
repos/xaoxuu/friends/issues repos/username/repository name/issues
sort=updated&state=open Define which types of issues will be
read and rendered into corresponding tags
page=1&per_page=100 Read the first 100 issues
labels=active Controls the default issue not to be displayed,
Only after the active label is added through the review
It will be displayed

The issues of the sites type are not grouped by default. If you need to group, you can specify the grouping basis "keywords", and the grouping whitelist "value1", "value2", etc., for example:

# The version here is the "keywords" above

The function of this parameter is to filter out the data that contains "version": "v4" or "version":"v3" or "version": "v2" in JSON, and display them in groups.

Github warehouse configuration scheme
  1. Create a new warehouse, the warehouse name is arbitrary, here I named it friend_link,
    Create a new file friend_link\.github\,
    and enter the following in it as the issues template.

    Remember to delete the backslash in front of the json code block. This is mainly written here to escape, otherwise code blocks cannot be nested.

    name: Friendship template
    about: Please fill in the link format according to the instructions.
    <!-- Please fill in the double quotes in the code block below -->
        "title": "",
        "screenshot": "",
        "url": "",
        "avatar": "",
        "description": "",
        "keywords": ""
    "title": "Site name",
    "screenshot": "Site Preview Link",
    "url": "Site link",
    "avatar": "avatar link",
    "description": "Site description",
    "keywords": "Keywords, as group names"
    <!-- Example -->
    "title": "AkilarのCandy House",
    "screenshot": "",
    "url": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "description": "Looking forward to seeing you!",
    "keywords": "Candy House"
  2. Create a new active label

    New label is used to control audit results

    Configuration name description color

  3. Submit an example

    Fill in the specification

  4. There is a period of API cache period from the approval to the page reading, so be patient.

Gitee warehouse configuration
  1. Create a new warehouse, the warehouse name is arbitrary, here I named it friend_link,
    Create a new file friend_link\.gitee\,
    and enter the following in it as the issues template.

    Remember to delete the backslash in front of the json code block. This is mainly written here to escape, otherwise code blocks cannot be nested.

    name: Friendship template
    about: Please fill in the link format according to the instructions.
    <!-- Please fill in the double quotes in the code block below -->
        "title": "",
        "screenshot": "",
        "url": "",
        "avatar": "",
        "description": "",
        "keywords": ""
    "title": "Site name",
    "screenshot": "Site Preview Link",
    "url": "Site link",
    "avatar": "avatar link",
    "description": "Site description",
    "keywords": "Keywords, as group names"
    <!-- Example -->
    "title": "AkilarのCandy House",
    "screenshot": "",
    "url": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "description": "Looking forward to seeing you!",
    "keywords": "Candy House"
  2. Create a new active tag

    New tag to control audit results

  1. Submit an example

    Fill in the specification

  2. There is a period of API cache period from the approval to the page reading, so be patient.

  1. Timeline label timeline rendering
    Corresponding repository issues link:

  2. Rendering of the site card tag sites

  3. Group rendering of site card label sites
    Here is the data from the “Example Blog” page of the Volantis theme website:
    Corresponding repository issues link:

    Rendered label:

  1. Timeline label timeline rendering

    {% issues timeline | api= %}
  2. Rendering of the site card tag sites

    • gitee repository example

      {% issues sites | api= %}
    • github repository example

      {% issues sites | api= %}
  3. Group rendering of site card label sites
    Here is the data from the “Example Blog” page of the Volantis theme website:

    {% issues sites | api= | group=version:version:^4.0,version:^3.0 , version: ^2.0 %}

Poem Tags poem

{% poem [title],[author] %}
Poetry content
{% endpoem %}
  1. title: the title of the poem
  2. author: the author, can not write


{% poem 水调歌头,苏轼 %}

{% endpoem %}

Ali icon icon

The icon of this label needs to introduce the style of Ali vector icon library by itself. Please move to the specific introduction scheme: Hexo introduces Ali vector icon library

{% icon [icon-xxxx],[font-size] %}
  1. icon-xxxx: represents the icon font-class, which can be queried and copied in the font-class reference scheme of your own Ali vector icon library project.
  2. font-size: indicates the size of the icon, just fill in the number directly, the unit is em. The default icon size is 1em.
{% icon icon-rat_zi %}{% icon icon-rat,2 %}

{% icon icon-ox_chou,3 %}{% icon icon-ox,4 %}

{% icon icon-tiger_yin,5 %}{% icon icon-tiger,6 %}

{% icon icon-rabbit_mao,1 %}{% icon icon-rabbit,2 %}

{% icon icon-dragon_chen,3 %}{% icon icon-dragon,4 %}

{% icon icon-snake_si,5 %}{% icon icon-snake,6 %}

{% icon icon-horse_wu %}{% icon icon-horse,2 %}

{% icon icon-goat_wei,3 %}{% icon icon-goat,4 %}

{% icon icon-monkey_shen,5 %}{% icon icon-monkey,6 %}

{% icon icon-rooster_you %}{% icon icon-rooster,2 %}

{% icon icon-dog_xu,3 %}{% icon icon-dog,4 %}

{% icon icon-boar_hai,5 %}{% icon icon-boar,6 %}

Effects label wow

The static resources of the special effects tag are not added to the configuration content of this post (because most of them are cdn configurations), please go to the tutorial in the station to complete the relevant configuration:

{% wow [animete],[duration],[delay],[offset],[iteration] %}
{% endwow %}
  1. animate: animation style, see animate.css reference document
  2. duration: optional, the animation duration, the unit can be ms or s. For example 3s, 700ms.
  3. delay: optional, the delay time for animation start, the unit can be ms or s. For example 3s, 700ms.
  4. offset: optional, the distance to start the animation (relative to the bottom of the browser)
  5. iteration: optional, the number of times the animation repeats

Note that although the last four items are optional, when there are cross-position optional items, the order cannot be disordered. See examples for details.
Supports nesting of other external tags.

  1. flip animation effect.

    flip animation effect.

  2. The zoomIn animation effect lasts 5s, delays 5s, starts when the distance from the bottom is 100, repeats 10 times.

    zoomIn animation effect, lasts 5s, delay 5s, starts when the distance from the bottom 100, repeats 10 times

  3. slideInRight animation effect, lasts 5s, delay 5s.

    slideInRight animation effect, last 5s, delay 5s.

  4. heartBeat animation effect, delay 5s, repeat 10 times.

    heartBeat animation effect, delay 5s, repeat 10 times.

  1. flip animation effect.
    {% wow animate__flip %}
    {% note green 'fas fa-fan' modern%}
    `flip` animation effect.
    {% endnote %}
    {% endwow %}
  2. The zoomIn animation effect lasts 5s, delays 5s, starts when the distance from the bottom is 100, repeats 10 times.
    {% wow animate__zoomIn,5s,5s,100,10%}
    {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' modern%}
    `zoomIn` animation effect, lasts `5s`, delay `5s`, starts when the distance from the bottom `100`, repeats `10` times
    {% endnote %}
    {% endwow %}
  3. slideInRight animation effect, lasts 5s, delay 5s.
    {% wow animate__slideInRight,5s,5s%}
    {% note orange 'fas fa-car' modern%}
    `slideInRight` animation effect, last `5s`, delay `5s`.
    {% endnote %}
    {% endwow %}
  4. heartBeat animation effect, delay 5s, repeat 10 times. Note here that unused parameter positions should be left blank and separated by commas.
    {% wow animate__heartBeat,,5s,,10%}
    {% note red 'fas fa-battery-half' modern%}
    `heartBeat` animation effect, delay `5s`, repeat `10` times.
    {% endnote %}
    {% endwow %}

progress bar progress

For the progress bar label, refer to Yibaizi Cat - Add Colored Progress Bar to HEXO Articles.
Source styles are extracted from the Cuteen theme.

{% progress [width] [color] [text] %}

width: Arabic numerals from 0 to 100
color: Color, the values ​​are red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,gray
text: The text content on the progress bar







{% progress 10 red progress bar style preview %}
{% progress 30 yellow progress bar style preview %}
{% progress 50 green progress bar style preview %}
{% progress 70 cyan progress bar style preview %}
{% progress 90 blue progress bar style preview %}
{% progress 100 gray progress bar style preview %}

annotation notation

{% nota [label] , [text] %}

label: annotation vocabulary
text: the content of the annotation displayed on hover

try moving the mouse over me

{% nota try moving the mouse over me, you can see the annotation content appears in the top bar %}

Bubble comment bubble

{% bubble [content] , [notation] , [background-color] %}

content: Annotation vocabulary
notation: the annotation content displayed on hover
background-color: optional, the background color of the bubbles. Default is “#71a4e3”

I've learned a lot of new stuff lately (although these are old techniques for a lot of big guys), like CSS's brother-adjacent selector eg h1 + p {margin-top:50px;}, flex layout Flex It is the abbreviation of Flexible Box, which means "flexible layout", which is used to provide maximum flexibility for the box model", transform transformation< span class="bubble-notation"> The transform property applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. This property allows us to rotate, scale, move or skew the element. , Bezier velocity curve for animationBézier curves, also known as Bézier curves or Bézier curves, are mathematical curves used in two-dimensional graphics applications. General vector graphics software uses it to accurately draw curves. Bezier curves are composed of line segments and nodes. Nodes are draggable fulcrums, and line segments are written like retractable rubber bands. See clip-pathclip-path property uses clipping to create the displayable area of ​​the element. The part inside the area is displayed, and the part outside the area is hidden. attribute. These concepts, which are very new to me, severely impact the design ideas I have accumulated before.

I've learned a lot of new stuff lately (although these are old techniques for a lot of big guys), like CSS's {% bubble sibling adjacent selector, "eg h1 + p {margin-top:50px;} "%},{% bubble flex layout,"Flex is the abbreviation of Flexible Box, which means "flexible layout", which is used to provide maximum flexibility for the box model","#ec5830" %},{% bubble transform transformation ,"The transform property applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. This property allows us to rotate, scale, move, or skew the element.","#1db675" %},{% bubble Bezier velocity curve for animation,"bezier Bézier curve, also known as Bézier curve or Bézier curve, is a mathematical curve applied to two-dimensional graphics applications. General vector graphics software uses it to accurately draw curves, and Bézier curves are composed of line segments and nodes composition, the node is a draggable fulcrum, the line segment is like a retractable rubber band", "#de4489" %} writing, and the {% bubble clip-path, "clip-path attribute that I just saw today creates elements by clipping The displayable area of ​​. The part inside the area is displayed, and the part outside the area is hidden.","#868fd7" %} property. These concepts, which are very new to me, severely impact the design ideas I have accumulated before.

Citation reference

{% referto [id] , [literature] %}
{% referfrom [id] , [literature] , [url] %}

Considering the characteristics of anchor jumps, it is not recommended that you write the reference source label referfrom in the often hidden external labels (such as folding, tab, hideToggle), which can effectively avoid jump failures.

  1. referto superscript
    id: The content of the superscript serial number, which needs to correspond to the id of the referfrom tag to realize the jump
    literature: the name of the cited reference

  2. refer from
    id: The content of the serial number, which needs to correspond to the id of the referto tag to achieve the jump
    literature: the name of the cited reference
    url: the referenced reference link, can be omitted

AkilarのCandy House ( is a private blog[1]< span class="reference-literature">Akilar's Candy House Group Chat IntroductionReference Materials, from various tutorials to A little bit of life, nothing to talk about. The purpose of forming a group is to provide a place for small talk. Blog using Hexo framework[2]Hexo Chinese Documentation span>Reference, Butterfly theme [3] Butterfly Installation Documentation (1) Quick StartReference span>

This project references Volantis[4]hexo -theme-volantis tag pluginReference tag style. Introduced [tag].js, and modified the corresponding [tag].styl for the butterfly theme. Thanks to the Volantis theme developers.
The main reference content includes the built-in tag plug-in documentation of each volantis[5]Volantis Documentation: Built-in Tag PluginReferences
Various derivations of the Butterfly theme< span class="hidden-anchor" id="referto_[6]">[ 6]Butterfly installation documentation: Tag Plugins< /span>Reference< sup class="reference">[7]Xiaoyi's Life Museum full style previewReference materials [8] l-lin-font-awesome-animationReference[9]Well-off butterfly theme usage documentationReferences

Akilar's Candy House ( is a private blog {% referto '[1]','Akilar's Candy House Group Chat Introduction' %}, from various tutorials to life bits, talk about everything. The purpose of forming a group is to provide a place for small talk. The blog adopts Hexo framework {% referto '[2]', 'Hexo Chinese document' %}, Butterfly theme {% referto '[3]', 'Butterfly installation document (1) Quick start' %}

This project refers to the label style of Volantis{% referto '[4]','hexo-theme-volantis label plugin' %}. Introduced `[tag].js`, and modified the corresponding `[tag].styl` for the `butterfly` theme. Thanks to the `Volantis` theme developers.
The main reference content includes the built-in tag plug-in documents of each volantis {% referto '[5]','Volantis document: built-in tag plug-in' %}
Various derivative magic changes of the Butterfly theme{% referto '[6]','Butterfly installation document:Tag Plugins' %}{% referto '[7]','Xiaoyiの Life Museum full style preview' %} {% referto '[8]','l-lin-font-awesome-animation' %}{% referto '[9]','Xiaokang butterfly theme usage documentation' %}

{% referfrom '[1]','AkilarのCandy House Group Chat Introduction','' %}
{% referfrom '[2]','Hexo Chinese Documentation','' %}
{% refer from '[3]','Butterfly installation documentation (1) Quick start','' %}
{% referfrom '[4]','hexo-theme-volantis tag plugin','' %}
{% referfrom '[5]','Volantis Documentation:Built-in Tag Plugins','' %}
{% refer from '[6]','Butterfly installation documentation:Tag Plugins',' E5%A4%96%E6%8E%9B%EF%BC%88Tag-Plugins%EF%BC%89' %}
{% referfrom '[7]','Preview of the full style of Xiaoyi's Life Museum','' %}
{% referfrom '[8]','l-lin-font-awesome-animation','' %}
{% referfrom '[9]','Xiaokang's butterfly theme usage document','' %}

There is a compatibility bug between the rotating album label and fancybox lightbox. If you find that the rotating album is flat, please close fancybox or use medium_zoom instead.

{% carousel [Id] , [name] %}
{% endcarousel %}

Id: The unique ID of the album, which is used to monitor the mouse action of the album. Chinese is prohibited. Carousel albums with the same ID must not appear on the same page.
name: The content displayed in the middle of the album, it is recommended to wrap it in English single quotation marks.